Ship-In Schooling

With the addition of a brand new 62x120 indoor arena in 2024, Jamesview Dressage is pleased to offer limited ship-in schooling sessions for area riders.

If you don't have an indoor arena at your home facility and still want to school or lesson during inclement weather or outside of daylight hours, we are happy to accomodate you!

At this time, we are offering ship-in sessions for $35 per hour + HST for a single rider. Please contact us for pricing on multiple riders in one session!

Ship-In Policies

In order to take advantage of our ship-in opportunities, we request that riders take time to review the following:

Riders must also provide proof of liability insurance (OE or similar).
Any instructor that ship-in riders wish to utilize must also provide proof of instructor's insurance.

Schedule Your Ship-In